Blog Archive

Friday, January 8, 2010

So far....

SO GOOD! I am really LoViN my job!

This is what my schedule looks like right now....

5:00 am: get up and work out
6:30 am: eat breakfast and get ready to go
7-7:30 am: head to work
7:30 or 8:00 am: arrive at work and work all day
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm (depending on the day) head home
7:00 pm or 8:00 pm read
8:00 pm or 9:00 pm: go to bed

Except tonight I am still in the lab with a stupid column and it is almost 9pm.

I have a couple fitness instructor interviews coming up in the future as well....I will try to keep that limited to a few nights a week....but the extra cash will be good as Andy and I have decided we need to get a second car finally after over 4 years of marriage.

So far I haven't had sweets in 8 days!!! Yay!!! Go Me!!!! It really hasn't been that hard either....but I think it is because I realized that I really do only have one pair of pants left to wear that isn't sweats or workout clothes....super sad...but hopefully in 3 mos. or less I will be back down to normal and be able to wear all of my clothes again :)

sigh....well I guess I should probably go see if my column has decided to end or not (over 3 hours later of what was supposed to be a 30 min column)...

1 comment:

Brian and Stacy said...

Yes yes.... I hate those "quick 30 min columns"! They're always the longest it seems. I'm so glad you like your job!!