Blog Archive

Sunday, July 19, 2009

A little update.

I have a few spare moments and decided I should update the blog. I started teaching Zumba on the 11th and it went great! I now teach on Tuesday nights as well at 9pm at Mind your body. I have business cards, websites, and of course some Zumba gear. My website is for fitness and my website for chemistry is . Pretty exciting stuff! Andy has started working for the hospital and has been for two weeks now! He loves it! What else...I am going to be doing a bootcamp for the high school cheerleaders here in Pocatello the first week of August...I am super excited for this! I have called a bunch of businesses and am getting a bunch of donations for goody bags for them. This pst week my baby sister got dropped off so my mom could go on a honeymoon...let's just say that Andy and I are now on the same page as in...we both are highly reconsidering having kids (instead of just me). They just take so much time and energy that I, myself do not enjoy giving up at this point in my life...mainly because I have been raising kids since I was 11, my sister and daycare kids. And then I have always had highly rigorous school schedule...and thus have not yet had any free time for myself....don't get me wrong...Neisha isn't a bad kid...she is actually fairly well behaved....aside from random tantrums, occasional blatant refusal to listen to something I have told her to do, stubbornness/determination, slightly manipulative, and being an attention whore....basically a typical child....I just miss my sleeping in and being able to do whatever I want whenever I want, my peace and quiet, my moments to contemplate, and not overeating do to being frustrated that there is a child in my house. Yes...I miss those things....The countdown is 4 days until she goes home...and I am so excited! Well anywho...I am off...I think my next post should be "why I don't think I should be a mom".


Holly Erhard said...

Oh Sarah you will be a good mom.... and I can tell you that having your own kids is COMPLETLEY different than raising or taking care of someone elses kids. (I raised a lot of my siblings also) SO don't be too hard on yoruself!

Jewelianna said...

I think that's why motherhood starts with so much sacrifice and willingly descending into the valley of the shadow of death to make their life possible. There is no greater love.
Motherhood also allows us to feed the hungry and clothe the naked - within our own walls, and we discover that service is the truest source of happiness and to develop loving relationships.
Sorry, I needed to hear all of what I just said... potty training... sigh.
You guys will do what's right for you. And if or when children enter the picture, I think you will be amazing.
If it helps, there seems to be an epidemic of otherpeopleschildrenaredevilincarnates-itis... whether you're a parent or not. Being a parent can aggravate the symptoms though, as well as expose you to mychildrenareperfect-iosis. I don't know any parent, personally, who hasn't caught that. Statistically, it doesn't look good for you to be able to see any faults in your possibly eventual children. :)

I sometimes envy your freedom... especially getting pregnant within two weeks of marriage, and being incapacitated all nine months during both my high risk pregnancies - I definitely have never experienced this thing you call 'free time for myself' - and I totally see the value in getting a little of that first.

On another note, good job with Zumba, I'm sure you're awesome... that's pretty much the trend with everything you do. Maybe you can come down here and whip my butt into shape. Heaven knows I need it!!

And my mind just went back to the kids thing. As I think you know, I have two younger brothers who are 13 and 9, and my parents are 50/51... which aided in my decision to have kids sooner than later so I'm not 60 raising a teenager (it's just not for me!!) Anyway, Darrow, the older of the two was complaining that he didn't get to go water skiing and he never gets to have any fun like that - to which my 29yo sister tried to soften it by letting him know she was 19 before she ever did anything like that. Then my 30yo brother jumped in with 'you know, after their kids grew up, grandma and grandpa had a boat and an RV...but Mom and dad had a Darrow and Dallin.' lol it put things into perspective for Darrow a little better and opened up a whole flood gate of jokes at their expense... but what are little brothers for if you can't call them a little dinghy?
Okay, yeah, that had nothing to do with anything.
Glad things are going well for you guys. Thanks for the update!

Tammy said...

Sounds like your Zumba class is going well! That's great. And Andy working for the Hospital, that sounds fun. Glad things are going so well for you guys. As for kids..I think the reason they start out as baby's is so that we get at-least a year of cute and cuddly before they transform into know But of course by then, we already love them too much for their crazy ways to really bother us. Plus, I agree with what Holly said, when they are your own kids It's completely different. Still, you do have to give up sleeping in and alot of personal time... so wait till your ready for all that before you decide. And when you are ready you'll do great! But your still young, so take time to enjoy life while you can!