Blog Archive

Monday, June 15, 2009

Belated Update!

A few weeks ago...a bunch of friends and I got together for BBQ at the mansion and I totally forgot to post about it ;) It was a blast though and it was so fun to see everyone...even though Georgia decided we weren't cool enough to hang out with ;)I love how our husband's get along know how amazing and awesomely cool that is?! I love it! Here are a few pics of the fun times we had.

Also, Andy has been involved with a summer Softball league and he is having blast. So far his team has lost 2 games and they were the ones that Andy did not attend- so it kind of makes him feel good to see that he is needed ;) Here are some pics of my cute man.

This past weekend I got certified as a Zumba was a blast!!!! 5 hours of dancing! yes! yes! yes!!!! I love it! I am going to attempt to get people to come to classes I teach on my own- I probably won't even charge anyone so I can get practice ;)

Today I started P90X- so far not too bad- but it isn't working out that is a problem for me- it is the eating- hopefully, hopefully I will be able to get myself under control! I am excited to see my transformation over the next 3 months. I will keep you posted on my journey.

This weekend Andy and I also had to move from the mansion into an apartment..I love our new is quite nice- a lot nicer than Wymount- 2 bedrooms, 2.5 bathrooms, walk-in closets (Andy and I can actually have all of our clothes in the same room for the first time in the 4 years we have been married), slightly more spacious bedrooms, definitely a bigger kitchen with counter space and a dishwasher, washer and dryer hookups, bright lighting ( and I mean bright), a back door so we can bbq, a built in microwave, our apartment is two stories (no one above or below us), and all of our rooms are the furthest away from connected apartments rooms- all of this for $545/mos ( we were paying $600/mo in provo). We do, however, have to pay for electricity (same as provo), gas, and cable/internet- so aside from the cable/internet- the cost for the most part evens out...oh...and did I mention...we are in town?! That is the best part! No more driving 20 minutes just to get into town- so we save on gas. Right now I am just waiting for the Intermountain Gas guy to show up so we can have warm water- I need a shower badly, and I need to wash dishes.

Also I have been contemplating starting my own business and selling some of the crafty items I make...what do you all think?

Well this has been an update!!! Peace!


Jo said...

I keep thinking about that too! You should see if there's a farmer's market around and get a booth! I really want to do that

Tammy said...

Ohhh Zumba classes! I would totally attend if I lived closer...sorry.. also you should definetly sell your crafty items, you are really good at them! Congrats on the new apartment its nice to have all the clothes in one

Jo said...

Or have you been to It's a website where people can sell homemade items. It's sweet. Check it out

Crystal/Scott/Charlie/John said...

Your apartment sounds awesome!! What part of town is it in?
It's fun to see pics from the BBQ. And I totally think you should start your own business! You'd be great!