Blog Archive

Monday, April 25, 2011

Another cruise?!

Why yes...that is correct! Same time, same place as last year. Why not?! A cruise is better than no cruise. I would like to thank my husband, and our friends Michelle and Nels for harassing me enough (in a good way) so that it will actually happen. Hopefully one day we will make enough money to go somewhere else...but for now....a vacation is a vacation and I am not going to complain.

I hope everyone had a happy Easter...I did not do anything traditional this year other than getting my co-workers hopped up on sugar....however...I really wanted to make this....maybe soon...

Hopeful happenings for this year:
-A triathlon
-Red Rock Relay
-Maybe a half marathon...still kind of not over last years half marathon that made me so ill
-Breast Cancer 5 k which is May 7th...already booked (this will be my first 5 k)
-Maybe head to my dad's for thanksgiving
-Maybe head to Andy's parents for Christmas
-Find a new job

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

We want to go on a cruise!!!