Blog Archive

Sunday, January 30, 2011

I think I missed my calling in life.

As a stripper. I could be a bajillionaire right now! Okay let me back up a bit. I LOVE to go dancing. And apparently I dance like a stripper...most of the time...the rest of the time I am being a goofball or doing hip hop which sometimes looks like I am dancing like a stripper but I am actually doing hip hop. Or latin dance. Or some other kind of ballroom-esque social dance. Well anyways...I have been wanting to try pole dancing for quite some time...because I really loved belly-dance and to just see what the hype is all about and let's face it I am addicted to working out (which on a side note my doctor thinks I self-medicate myself unknowingly with exercise to treat my OCD/depression that comes and goes). I went to an intro class yesterday and who would have thought that something that looks so awkward would feel so natural to me and be so gosh darn fun AND make me so gosh darn sore?! I mean seriously?! I got to go dance like how I dance except around a pole and I even learned a few new moves (which my husband thoroughly enjoyed). I mean come on you are swinging around a pole?! How could that not be fun?! If I had found this out ages ago I could be a bajillionaire right now AND have a rockin' bod! The only down side is it is kind of expensive...which honestly if you compare it to what I used to pay back when I took dance lessons it is actually quite a great deal...but anyways...I can't afford to pay that much for unlimited access to classes...nor can I predict how my schedule is going to be to make sure I get my money's worth...dumb work. I will most definitely be going again though. The more advanced you get...the more it starts becoming like cirque du soleil...which is kind of freakin' amazing....this is the closest I think I can ever get to actually doing gymnastics which is something I always wished I could do but now I am too old. Anyways...I guess what I am trying to say is if you hear about people doing pole dance...don't judge....yeah some of them might actually be the real deal (stripper) but as for the rest of is just freakin' fun and a workout or it is adding a new dimension to a marriage ;). So don't judge unless you have tried it.

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