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Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A struggle for me.

Many of you probably don't know this, and that is because it is something that one would not usually talk about, but I have had this problem since I was a child. I have a digestive system that doesn't seem to like food in general. Anything with fat, protein, fiber, milk sugars, or preservatives causes my stomach a lot of distress. It started out gradual. I would get an upset stomach when I ate some meat products. This lead to me going vegetarian, and then vegan which eventually led to my battle of eating disorders. This assumed solution only made my problem worse. I now can no longer eat eggs or egg beaters for that matter, milk, things that are high in sodium or fat...etc...I get a horrible upset stomach...complete with bloating, pain and pressure, you name it....I have seen a doctor for these problems, and even saw an allergist and came back with no solutions for this problem. Finally on a night where I was exhausted and in a lot of pain as well as on the brink of tears I went into Sunflower Market...a natural/organic food store that I have only seen in Utah. I was in the dietary supplement aisle and a man who works that section noticed my distress and came to help me. He continued to tell me that he has spoken to numerous individuals with the same problem as me and they have even undergone surgery to get help but were still stuck in the same place. He recommended I take a daily dose of a triple pro-biotic to help me replenish bacteria in my stomach to digest my food. He also said that it sounded like I was missing essential he recommended that I take enzymes before every meal.... I have been doing this for three weeks...although my symptoms are not completely gone...I have noticed a significant difference....especially since yesterday I misplaced my enzymes and had to make it through the day without them....a significant difference...I am so thankful that someone was able to finally give me some sort of a solution for my is not fun to eat and then be in pain because you ate....I am truly thankful.


Crystal/Scott/Charlie/John said...

I'm glad that you were able to find some answers! Hopefully it keeps working for you! Isn't the Sunflower Market awesome! I think of it as my greatest find since coming here and if I ever move back to Idaho I'm going to lobby for one to come there. I love it!!

Jo said...

Hey! I'm glad you've found some help! There are some girls at my work who are really into using kefir grains. It's a bacteria and yeast combination that helps with digestion. My co-worker's husband has a sensitive stomach and it helped him a lot. I know you can either buy it or grow your own in milk where it turns into a soupy yogurt. My co-workers just put it in oatmeal or smoothies and love it.