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Monday, February 16, 2009


Andy came in town Tuesday night to surprise me and that started our Valentines weekend. I think that was the best "gift" of all- being able to spend so much time with my hubby. We exchanged gifts Friday night- because Andy was just way too excited to wait one more day. He got me these gorgeous diamond earrings...I was speechless. I gave him a song called "your ring" by Parker who is a person that we found out about through the Velour- so there is no way to get a hold of it except through the person himself- it is a beautiful song that Parker wrote for his wife and it fits perfectly with our relationship and I thought it would be a nice surprise for Andy. The next day I got up and went to a Valentines workout and then we headed to Emily P's baby shower which was a blast!

Afterwards, Andy and I went window shopping and then headed to a Shakespearean 9 course dinner theater with our friends the Alvarez'- complete with music and theatrics the entire time. My camera died at the baby shower so you will all have to wait for those pics- as we took them on a disposable camera. I hope everyone else had a wonderful Valentines Day! Now I have to prepare my emotions as my husband leaves today...and I will probably not see him for another two weeks.

Also...this Friday is fondue night at my house- 8pm! If you wnt to come bring fondue or stuff to dip in fondue or just yourself!


Will said...

hmmmm....sounds like aTON of fun. I wish we could be there to share in the fun! Liked the post.

Emily said...

I will be at your fondue party in spirit! One thing I always thought would be fun for fondue is little rice krispie treat chunks.

Sarah Roberts said...

ooo yum Emily!

Brittany Petty said...

Sarah! You could at least EMAIL me your long opinion of War Craft - you've got me curious now!